Hi! I'm Elias 👋

Staff Product Manager,
aspiring Product Leader

picture of myself, Elias.

Talk to me about:

(Everything) Product eCommerce Health Tech Mobile Apps Web Apps

and really... anything Tech related!

I'm currently working at AppDirect - an eCommerce platform that powers merchants to sell their digital (recurring) subscription services.

I work within the Billing product area, focusing on everything around Subscriptions in the platform.

Also, I'm responsible for the Growth initiatives of AppDirect, which includes the new self-serve offering that powers our shift to PLG (Product-Led Growth).

I'm based out of Montréal, Canada.

Picture of Montreal, Canada at night (Ferris wheel)
Montreal's ferris wheel at night.
Photo taken by me.

I created this website to:
  1. Showcase my experience in the Product Management field
  2. Share the knowledge that I am acquiring through working with awesome teams
  3. Start writing about Product Management
  4. And well... learn how to code a website!